
Formed over 40 years ago, EMC aisbl is a not-for-profit organisation and is established under Belgian law.

Under the guiding principles of its Constitution, EMC will:

Promote and develop best practice in marketing, sales and communication across Europe

Encourage and promote the sharing of knowledge and exchange of marketing, sales and communication information between member associations

Maintain and promote a high level of knowledge amongst marketing, sales and communication professionals

Develop, promote and adopt a set of pan-European marketing , sales and communication standards for member associations to adhere to

Improve public understanding of the importance of marketing as a vital success factor in business and for the wider economy

Collaborate with other people, groups, professional on an international scale, to help promote a better understanding of marketing, sales and communication, seeking to attract new members

Share information and best practice, publishing research, holding events and seminars and providing information vital to the growth and progression of the profession throughout Europe