European Marketing Agenda

At EMC, we are dedicated to staying at the forefront of the ever-evolving landscape of marketing. Annually, we conduct the European Marketing Agenda (EMA), a comprehensive research initiative designed to gain valuable insights into the prevailing trends and challenges within the marketing domain across our participating member countries.

European Marketing Agenda 2024

The overwhelming feedback over the last 5 years of
the European Marketing Agenda is to confirm that
there is a genuine need for more information on
concepts, tools, and best practices on all
relating to marketing and sales across a wide
range of industry segments and sizes.


The only constant is change. In digital, the limitation
of 3rd party cookie data collection means that the
bar for the development and expansion of datadriven
marketing is raised even higher with the need
to establish your own 1st party data. The irony of the
story is that Covid19 (and, more recently, artificial
intelligence, AI) has been an “accelerator” for further
digitalisation in marketing and sales and is ensuring
that the marketing organisation in terms of structures,
the (lived) cross functional cooperation
model or the required competencies are (or must be)
in more detail. It is foreseeable that
we will experience
“Moore’s Law on steroids” in the
years - the speed of change will continue to
increase dramatically, and collaboration will follow the
credo of “no alternative”, which is often used in politics.


The precarious thing from a company or customer
perspective: in contrast to earlier, more time stable
CRM projects, the requirements and therefore the IT
applications are constantly evolving - new channels
and interaction mechanisms, new (legal) framework
conditions (GDPR), an “increase” in automation and
analytics (AI/AI) ensure that yesterday’s tried and
tested methods and tools can (and will) be outdated
quickly. This acceleration means we will experience more
working in beta mode and a permanent learning-bydoing
is almost unavoidable. As legendary ice hockey
player Wayne Gretzky said: “Of the shots on goal that
you don’t even try, 100% of them won’t go in”.

Find out more about previous editions: